

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Caring For Your Digital Camera

Perhaps one of the greatest invention in the 20st century is the digital camera. With its many outstanding features, novices in photography can produce great photos at less the effort. Not only does the digital camera provide convenience to photographers or those that are interested in the art but also savings to ordinary consumers.

There is no need to buy films or have the pictures developed in the darkroom or in the nearest developing center. One only need to click the camera, upload the files to a computer and print them out with a colored printer. Everything is so easy.

Of course, despite being so easy, there are things that one needs to know about digital cameras and digital photography. Here are some tips that will help you make the most out of your digital cameras and make the experience of digital photography truly memorable.

1. Know your camera

Without really studying the features that your digital camera has, how can you make the most out of it? Before using it, try to explore the different features of the gadget. Read the manual and take experimental shots. This will help you be familiar with the various parts of the camera. Doing it and trying it out will also help you remember the operations as opposed to just reading the text in the manual.

Reading the manual will also help you from pulling something that you should not be pulling. Often, gadgets like digital cameras get broken because owners do not allot any time to read the instructions in the manual especially the don'ts and the section where it teaches you how to take care of it.

2. Practice

There is nothing more educational than practice. Gadgets like digital cameras actually get broken not only because it is often used but also when it is not used at all. Do not keep it inside your cabinet, gathering dust. Shot away. Every chance you get, take a picture. This will help you get used to the feel of the camera and will also allow you to discover some of its many features.

3. Take care of your camera

Although it may seem a bit too much to always put it inside its case every time you are not using it or not putting it directly under the heat of the sun, digital cameras are delicate gadgets that need taking care of. Make sure that you always protect it and prevent it from hitting hard surfaces.

More Life From Your Black Ink Cartridge

Having a printer is great, but the costs for the ink cartridges can get out of control, especially for businesses that a large number of printers to purchase ink for. Having your office at home can be costly as well, as you will most likely be using your printer on a daily basis, not to mention the kids using it for their homework. Many homes today have multiple computers, which means multiple printers. Of course, the easiest way to go would be paper-free but unfortunately that doesn't always work. By following a few simple guidelines, you can extend the life of your black ink cartridge.

The use of draft printing will extend the life the cartridge immensely, as this option allows you to print with minimal ink. This also speeds up the printing, as well, so you get the paper in half the time as you would have, printing it in the best quality mode. Save the best or top quality for your final print.

You can choose this option from the file tab and choosing the print option. This will open the box for printing and print choices. You will want to choose the paper/quality tab and select the setting for printing such as the draft quality. Your file will print at a lower resolution allowing you to save on the ink.

If you're dealing with a long document, print two sheets to a page if you can. Your printer may allow you to print two pages side-by-side in 'landscape' orientation -- and you'll save on paper costs, too.

Reduce your inkjet costs by economizing on ink when you are able to do so. Make sure to keep your ink cartridge supplies ready for when you need to do high resolution printing.

You may want to consider out-sourcing your big printing jobs as it may be cheaper to have a print shop print your big jobs than it is to buy a new cartridge to get the job done at home. Many places will allow you to place your order online, allowing you to pick up at your convenience or you can even have them mailed to you.

If you are not using your ink often, you may want to consider an ink cartridge case. This will keep the cartridge from drying out and will keep it free from dust and particles that can clog when it sits too long.

Stretching your ink doesn't have to be difficult. Just use the ink wisely and follow a few simple guidelines to help you get the most out of your ink.